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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why a Regular College MBA Degree can’t be at par with Distance Learning Degree?

3:08 AM
A regular college degree weather MBA or any other gives a student a lot more exposure than a distance learning experience can give. No doubt there are a number of positives that make one lean towards it, but before you choose to do a distance learning course for your MBA degree, there are somethings that you definitely must know. Read the following article to know as why a regular degree is of much more use than a distance learning one.

Thinking about getting a MBA degree so that you can draft your career differently and attain a successful position. If you are wishing to do so, and are confused between a regular course and a correspondence course, then there are somethings that you need to analyze that will help you take the call.

The only major advantage that a distance learning course gives you is the time duration that you may choose in order to complete the course. On the other hand, on campus MBA courses do not give you this liberty and you are bound to complete the course in a span of two years. Fortunately, even this deadline helps you to groom better.

Developing Planning Skills

It is often seen that correspondence students mostly fail to plan their schedule in order to complete the degree. The availability of time and no superiority on head creates a lack of management skills among the students.

On the other hand, the deadline to complete the course and that too with a pressure of classroom assignments and examinations gives a regular course student enough exposure to manage their time.

No Competency or motivation

Since in distance learning courses you are responsible for your own study schedule and examination schedule, keeping self-motivated at every step seems a difficult job at times. This is also one of the reasons that it takes a longer time for a person to get the same degree that many acquire in a span of two years. Classroom coaching gives you an edge of developing competitive spirit and gives you ample of reasons to get motivated. In some case even if the self-motivation does not work; you have your mentors, seniors and friends to motivate you.

Hence, the course and learning may be same but the exposure that you get does matter especially if you are seeking a job on the basis of this MBA course.

Absence of Networking Skills

It is also found that students that regular MBA courses develop stronger networking skills than those who getting a distant learning degree. The interaction in a classroom:

  • Increases inter-personal skills
  • Develops self-confidence
  • Develops relations
  • Generates more ideas
  • Increases  the capability to think more
Not Every Employer Considers a Distance Learning Degree

If you are willing to find a job on the basis of your MBA degree then make sure that you degree gets you one. Not every employer considers a distant learning degree. So, it is better to choose a regular course instead. Although it will be wrong to say that no employer will. With the changing scenario employers are keeping aside the stigma attached to a correspondence degree.

Still to be on a safer side, it is better to get a regular degree.
You would not get the opportunity of improve your communication skills
Distance learning would not give you the opportunity of interacting a lot and hence the practice to speak up will not be as developed as in someone pursuing a regular course.

You may have to stick to traditional courses

Leaving apart all of the above mentioned, a distance learning course will not be able to give a choice of courses that a regular course may provide and today the demand of these courses is going up. Courses like international marketing and MBA in hotel management are much in demand.

There are positives also

There is not everything bad about a distance learning course. No doubt there are still some things that will attract you towards it. For example if we compare the fee structure of a regular course and a distance learning course, there is a huge difference. Doing a correspondence course lets you work side by side and you can actually pay for your own education.

In the End

In the end, it is you who has to decide what is right and what is wrong. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of both and decide for yourself what suits you.

Author Bio

Akansha Arora is a professional writer and blogger who loves to pen down her views on a number of topics that interest a reader. She writes keeping in mind the current scenarios and wishes to keep her readers well informed.


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